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How to Overcome the Keto Flu

Health | May 11, 2018

If you’re interested in getting into Keto and follow a well put together, comprehensive meal plan, then I have just that for you – my 8 Week Keto Meal Plan for supercharged fat loss. 

Transitioning into a ketogenic diet can be rough. Not just because you’re changing your metabolism, but also because of an infamous phenomenon known as the keto flu.
If you’ve just started eating a high fat, low carb diet and are trying to go keto, don’t be surprised if any of the following symptoms might actually have to do with this ‘flu’:

  • Low Energy
  • Muscle Soreness
  • Lethargy
  • Dizziness
  • Chills
  • Brain Fog
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Lack of Focus or Concentration
  • Confusion
  • Insomnia or Sleep Disturbances
  • Nausea
  • Stomach Cramps
  • Digestive Issues
  • Sugar Cravings

These issues will vary from person to person. You may not experience any of these things, or maybe just a few. The intensity varies as well; one person might feel as though they’ve caught a real flu whereas another will just feel a little “off”.

The keto flu normally lasts about a week, but it’s not unusual for it last longer for some people. Obviously if any of these symptoms go on for too long and they’re really intense, please check with a doctor.

Moving on, the keto flu can be overcome with the following steps. Not only do they help you to get over the hump, they’ll help you to maintain ketosis as well:

Stay Hydrated

Your fatigue might be the result of dehydration. Keep in mind, your body is flushing out the excess water as it transitions into keto, so if you’ve been peeing a lot more than normal, you’re going to have to make sure you stay hydrated. So be sure to drink up!

Get Your Minerals

Not only can the extra urination dehydrate you, it can also rob you of essential minerals. That’s because all of the water your body was hanging onto from a higher carb diet is being flushed away, taking some electrolytes along for the ride. To avoid this, be sure to replenish them through salt, potassium, and magnesium.

With salt, the answer is clear- add some to your food! Salt provides flavor along with minerals, so don’t be afraid of it! You can also try adding salt to your water or eating salted nuts and seeds, seaweed, pickles, and sipping on flavorful bone broths.

Another suggestion is eating low-carb potassium-rich foods. Unfortunately bananas don’t make the cut, but the following foods are perfect for getting in your potassium:

Avocado, Leafy Green Vegetables, Salmon, Nuts, and Mushrooms.

Finally, you may want to consider supplementing with magnesium. There are many powders on the market, but try to find one that doesn’t add any sugar or sweeteners. Just add a bit to your water and sip throughout the day. And don’t think this replaces magnesium-rich foods like cacao (raw chocolate powder), spinach, nuts and seeds, artichokes, and fish.


Sometimes this simple advice gets overlooked. But think about it- you’re going through a major shift with your body, and there are many internal changes going on. If you’re over-working yourself or staying stressed then you’re only making this process more difficult than it should be. That’s why you should never forget the basics. Get enough sleep, and learn to relax. Maybe go a little easier with your workouts and give your body the time it needs for this change to happen. Meditation helps, too. Whatever you decide to do, honor and respect your body during this process.

Add More Fat

Be aware that your body is going through a purging process as it transitions to keto. You’re depriving it of sugar, which in itself can be addicting. Think of it like an alcoholic coming clean. Those cravings are likely to rear their ugly heads towards you. Do not give in to these temptations, though. Instead, counter it with its opposite- fat, which is what you’re going to be getting your main source of energy from. Avocado, nuts and seeds, hard-boiled eggs, coconut oil, and olives are just some of the foods that you might want to increase to help conquer those cravings. (But another thing you might want to consider is making sure you’re getting enough magnesium. Go back to my advice on minerals to make sure your cravings aren’t the result of a deficiency!)

Fiber Up

Are you feeling a bit “backed up” during your keto flu? Oftentimes, people complain about constipation when going keto. If your transition contains little to no fiber, this might be the culprit behind this common digestive complaint. Start with your diet and make sure you’re eating plenty of vegetables, like spinach, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower. Even a small handful of berries, which are tolerable on a low-carb, high fat diet, can provide some extra fiber (with the top one being raspberries). Other foods that provide plenty of fiber include asparagus, okra, chia seeds, and flax seeds. Some people claim that adding in MCT oil helps to loosen their bowels, making it viable option (you can substitute MCT for coconut oil if you don’t have it). The final step would be to add in a supplement, like Psyllium husk or BeneFiber (just be sure to read the labels carefully when buying a supplement, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water with them).

 Final Thoughts…

With any new diet, there’s going to be some challenges. If you’ve eaten a conventional diet of processed fast foods, then going keto is going to be especially difficult since you’re ideally loading up on whole foods. But even if you already ate a healthy diet, don’t be surprised if you’re struggling with the initial transition. The keto flu is not something to be afraid of. In fact, if it’s any consolation, know that you’re in good company, since there are tons of forums, articles, videos, and podcasts dedicated solely to the keto flu! And there is a light at the end of the tunnel; don’t give up! Give your body the time it needs to adjust, and you will come out on top.

I hope all of these tips help you on your journey to keto. For those of you who have gone keto, what did you do during that dreaded flu?


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  1. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    switzerland/, france

    I started measuring 0.2 Saturday morning (Friday was like normal high carb day), Sunday morning and evening were 0.9mmol/L and this morning (Monday was 2.0 mmol/L and tonight 2.4mmol/L). No keto flu. I drank a lot water/lemon/seal salt mix and bone broth I made Saturday (using Plant paradox recipe and pressure cooker)
    I did this last summer but with urine strip. Now I invested in a blood monitor as not as expensive. I am addicted and want to measure several times a day 🙂
    I am looking forward to experiment and see how my body reacts sneaking a few bites of fruits. (cherry season, then peaches and apricots and strawberries in the garden)

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 
      lake tahoe, nv, usa

      haha 🙂 I can relate. I was addicted to measuring for weeks. Let us know how your experiment with fruit goes.

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        switzerland/, france

        I am currently measuring 2-3 times a day to gauge daily fluctuation . did you do this too? Also I heard about GKI (glucose-ketose index) where you measure both and make a ratio. Luckily my monitor can measure both..just need the right strips.

  2. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    honolulu, hawaii, united states

    I’m on week 1 of the keto meal plan and I haven’t experienced those symptoms listed here for the keto flu but I have noticed feeling really really warm. Anyone else experience this? Maybe the diet is changing my circulation.

  3. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 

    Hi keto friends! So I am on my third day of keto with my boyfriend and I am still feeling great! I didn’t used to eat a lot of carbs so I hope the keto flu doesn’t kick me later on. But my boyfriend was used to eat more carbs and was going through some of the keto flu symptoms, like tiredness, muscle soreness, foggy mind, irritability.. I made him go with me to the park near by and we did some yoga and chanted some musics.. he came back a different person!!! He says he feels great! Itay not be a definitive relief or we may both have more symptoms later on, but for now I can recommend to go outside, get some sun and fresh air, do some yoga or activity you like, fight the flu with things that make you feel good! It works!!! 😀

  4. private avatar image

    Private Member  | 
    from slovakia, living in the uk

    I’m on day 11 now and apart from a headache on the very first day, I was absolutely fine and I feel great. I’m glad I avoided the keto flu all together 🙂

    • private avatar image

      Private Member  | 

      that’s great! good luck with your keto-experiece. mine starts in one week and i’m really excited…

      • private avatar image

        Private Member  | 
        from slovakia, living in the uk

        Thank you. I hope yours will go well too 🤩

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